Imagine waking up one morning only to realise that your trusty fridge has betrayed you by refusing to close properly. As panic sets in and you get visions of spoiled groceries, it's easy to feel defeated. However, with our expert tips, you can get insights on how to repair your broken fridge door.

Identify the Issue with the Fridge Door

One common issue with a broken fridge door is that the seal, also known as the gasket, may be damaged or worn out. This can lead to cold air leaking out, causing the fridge to work harder and potentially leading to temperature fluctuations. To check if the seal is the culprit, visually inspect it for any tears, cracks, or gaps.

Another potential problem could be with the hinges of the fridge door. Over time, hinges can become loose or misaligned due to the constant opening and closing of the door. This misalignment can cause gaps between the door and frame, allowing cold air to escape and warm air to enter. Inspect the hinges for any signs of wear or looseness and tighten them if needed. If alignment issues persist, contact a professional repair service for adjustments to ensure proper sealing of your fridge door.

Check for Visible Damage or Misalignment

First, carefully inspect the entire perimeter of the fridge door to identify any visible damage, such as dents or scratches. Then, check for any obstructions near the hinges that may be preventing the door from closing properly.

Secondly, if there are no visible signs of damage, try adjusting the alignment of the door by loosening and re-tightening the screws on the hinges. This simple step can often resolve minor misalignment issues and improve the overall function of the fridge door. Remember to test the door several times after making adjustments to ensure it closes securely without any gaps.

Gather Necessary Tools Before Starting Repairs

One key tool you’ll need is a screwdriver, as most fridge doors are held together with screws that may have become loose over time. Having a level on hand is also useful, as this can ensure that the door is properly aligned once the repairs are complete.

Another important tool to have is an adhesive or sealant to reattach any loose components of the fridge door. Make sure to choose a high-quality adhesive that can withstand cold temperatures and moisture. Finally, don't forget to have some lubricant on hand to help smooth out any hinges or moving parts on the door.

Repair Steps

·       To fix a loose or misaligned hinge, start by tightening the screws on the hinge using a screwdriver to ensure it is securely attached to the fridge door.

·       Once you’ve addressed any hinge-related issues, move on to inspecting the sealing gasket around the fridge door.

·       Over time, the gasket can become worn out or dirty, leading to gaps that prevent proper sealing of the door. To remedy this, clean the gasket thoroughly with warm soapy water and check for any tears or damages that may require replacement.

Budget Appliances: Your Source for Reliable Refrigeration Solutions

For new refrigeration appliances and fridges that offer reliability and affordability, look no further than Budget Appliances. With fast delivery across the South London area and a convenient showroom in Beckenham, we prioritise customer satisfaction above all else. 

As a family business committed to offering the best prices and customer service, we've cultivated a loyal customer base spanning trade, private customers, and letting agents.

Choose Budget Appliances for unbeatable value, superior service, and reliable refrigeration solutions that meet your needs and exceed your expectations.