Foods That Will Last 2+ Weeks In Your Fridge



Did you know that one of the most common reasons that people waste money is by consistently throwing out unused, gone off food? It’s easy to over-buy when food shopping, then lose track of what needs to be used first before its expiry date, which is why people may not use the food before its expiry date. Essentially, this is a waste of food, which is also a waste of your money. For this very reason, it is important to keep a track of the expiry dates of food in your home after shopping.

How To Keep Track Of Expiry Dates?

It’s best really to keep it simple and keep track of expiry dates with traditional methods such as using lists to keep track of expiry dates, such as using a magnet to keep a list of the food inside your fridge attached, so you can always access the dates and keep updated. Another way is to add the expiry dates to a notes list on your mobile phone, so you have the list wherever you are on the move. For many, people may not have the time to keep track of when specific foods in their home may expire. Another way of preventing food from being wasted is to purchase food that lasts longer in your fridge. Below are various foods that will last longer in your fridge.

Citrus Fruits

Fruit is an incredibly important part of your diet, and it is recommended that 5 pieces of fruit or vegetables should be consumed every day as part of a balanced diet. This includes citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits, and more. Oranges are a perfect snack or for juicing, and other citrus fruits such as lemon and lime are ideal for adding flavour to dishes, add to dressings, or even to add flavour to cocktails. Citrus fruits are practically universal and can be used for all different purposes. Additionally to all of this, they also can last two weeks in your refrigerator.


Who doesn’t love bacon? Unopened bacon can stay fresh for two weeks, and then another five days once you open it, smoked or unsmoked. If you open the package and know you won't finish it within those five days, wrap it tightly and pop it in the freezer, where it will keep for a few months, however, this may reduce the flavour. Bacon is a very good secret weapon to keep around for last-minute dinners and can turn a skillet of greens (or cabbage!) into something that feels more like a full meal (add some white beans and canned tomatoes), believe me, you’ll be impressed. And of course you can fry it up with eggs or sausages for delicious breakfast sandwiches or other breakfast 


Something to go with your bacon! Additionally to being breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They're healthy protein and fat, so everything you need. And yes, there is even more reasons to love eggs: They keep fresh for about a month in the fridge. There are also 13 different ways to cook and enjoy eggs, be it frying them, scrambling them, poaching them, boiling them, and more.

Hard Cheeses


Cheddar, Parmesan, Pecorino, Manchego, Gruyère, and other hard cheeses won't spoil within a couple of weeks like many soft or medium-soft cheeses do and are great for snacking on and shaving and grating over salads or pasta. Cheese is an incredibly tasty food that can be enjoyed in many ways and is part of many incredible recipes. It can be used to top foods such as pasta once it is read, or part of the main ingredients of dishes, such as macaroni cheese, and pizza, mmmm.


Yoghurt can be eaten for breakfast or a light snack, of course, but it can also be turned into a marinade, a sauce, a baking ingredient, a smoothie booster, and the base of a creamy salad dressing, so like many of the foods listed already in this blog. Full-fat plain yoghurt is probably best to keep on hand, but plain Greek works too. Either way it'll stay fresh for a good two weeks in your fridge following purchase.

High-Quality Fridges In South London

If you’re looking to store these fridge essentials for around two weeks, then you’re going to need a high-quality fridge all year round. Now is not too late to get your new fridge or replace your old fridge. Budget Appliances of Beckenham provide a host of high-quality fridges in South London for your home, or for wherever you may need a brand new fridge. Please feel free to browse our online range or visit our store to find the ideal fridge for your home. Our team will listen to your recommendations and find the best appliance for you and your needs.